Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

I can't believe 2010 is here already, it's for real and we're not in a science fiction movie. It's here even though we're technically not taking vacations on Jupiter and flying our cars.  2010 is the year of the Tiger in Chinese astrology and that usually means that the year will be a time to make those personal changes in your life that you've been trying to deny or hold back on.  If you've got a talent and you feel like it can get you somewhere beyond your 9-5 take the necessary steps to make your dreams a reality.  As I've said before I really feel as if 2010 will be a good year overall of course dramatic things happen every year but whatever is in store for this year will be confronted in the right way instead of the wrong. This year will be over before you can blink an eye so don't waste too much of your precious time now.

I have to thank my readers those who've been with me from the start and those who just came aboard. This was my most productive year ever and it wouldn't have been if I didn't get the strength from you all each and every day. *smooches* to you all!!! Thanx

Happy Birthday to January Capricorns all over!!! And don't forget to get your psychic advice/reading for the new year!!!!

1 comment :

Carli said...

smooches???too funny. luv the site!