Saturday, March 06, 2010

Another Disturbing Dream....

Performer Aaliyah is Dies in Plane Crash

I have been having some pretty disturbing dreams of late and I am trying to understand them. The other night I dreamt that there were two bodies lying dead across the street from my house, ambulances and cop cars abound. The next night I came home to the same scene apparently one of my neighbors had died of a heart attack--I didn't know him by the way--this is NYC so that's not strange.

Anyway I had a dream just before I awoke this morning of the singer Aaliyah. She was wearing a beautiful long peach colored dress; her hair was flowing and she was dancing with a bunch of black woman who were following her lead-- few of them were celebrities. By the way the dream reminds of her video for "Are you that somebody". Well the actress Phylicia Rashad (of "The Cosby Show" fame) was the most prominent celebrity in it. She was dancing and having a great time. Then one of her friends  pulled her off stage and asked very angrily "What the hell were you doing dancing with Aaliya", I don't recall her answer but I am kind of scared for her.  In my culture when you dream of a dead person that means that someone is going to die. It might not be Phylicia but someone around her or another prominent black female entertainer.  2010 has been pretty prolific death wise.....I hope it doesn't continue. 

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