Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Just Not Meant To Be.....

Update 3/19/2010: According to several news outlets, a  young brunette actress named Rebecca Hall might be behind the divorce of Sam Mendes and Kate Winslet. Sam denies it but men usually don't hang out with girls just for fun--we'll see them together arm in arm soon.

I have no doubt that it was Sam Mendes who was the one to initiate  divorce talks to his soon to be ex-wife Kate Winslet. This happened about 3 months ago actually. I am  surprised the relationship lasted this long because it was doomed from the beginning. Maybe it was the age and looks disparity or maybe Sam just felt that it was time for both of them to move on-he was clearly not getting enough sex from Kate.  I don't see these two wasting anytime in the dating world. Kate will be stepping out with a new beau in late Spring or really early summer. He is young, tanned and blonde. He looks almost model-esque or soap opera handsome.  He likes to show off his chest a lot.  Sam on the other hand will be seen with two women. The first one being a young brunette,up and coming actress then with a older 40 something woman who looks tres distinguished.

Divorce can leave you feeling blue but toxic relationships can kill you.

1 comment :

The Shitty Astrologer said...

I always thought she could do a lot better than him...