The Tarot and Tiger Woods
So I am exploring the world of Tarot and have been doing some work on friends and celebrities. I'm also using as a way to sometimes rest my mind and also reinforce my suspicions and predictions. I always said I would never use tarot but since I've gotten my cards and I can't put them down. So here is what I got on Tiger Woods. I did a quick little 3 card spread on him. I know there are many ways to go about reading the message or the purpose in a 3 card spread but all in all I believe the cards influence each other and can be interpreted as a whole instead of a rigid: Past,Present, Future or Situation, Challenge, Advice etc. I think all of these methods can be used together and the spread is like telling a story from start to end.
1st Card: IX of Swords
I read this card as the emotional sorrows that Tiger has had to contend with over the past few months and years. He's been crying in the dark. He has a lot of inner demons and pain that he has kept to himself. What I actually think is that he doesn't believe that anyone will care or listen to his troubles because he's been so blessed materially. I believe this was definitely the build up to his slight fall last November.
2nd Card: The Sun
There is light after the darkness! He can breathe easily now. He has a lot conflicts/problems that has been taking off his shoulders including having to be a husband (not necessarily a bad thing), being able to get help through therapy. Now he can focus on what he truly cares about wholeheartedly including his children, golf, and being in the spotlight again for his philanthropy. His confidence has been restored and he's seeing things in a newer brighter light.
3rd Card: Temperance
I was very happy to see this card come up for Tiger. It symbolizes moderation, healing and a state of being centered. We know from Tiger's wild past that finding a balance is key for him. What I like about this card is that everything is involved, there is spirituality,humanity, bounty/flowers, water. There is a path leading from the mountains to the water. I certainly believe that Tiger Woods will have a good chance of winning his golf tournaments, balancing familial obligations and finding the true meaning of romantic love again....with a blond of course!
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