Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tarot On The U.S. Economy

I decided to do a tarot on the economy of the United States. I continue to be amazed by the tarot. By the way I am using the Universal Waite Deck. The cards that were pulled were all pretty depressing. I am not sure if a new President or new people in the Senate will help. We need to adopt a new state of mind. A full recovery won't be seen for at least 5 more years.

 1st Card: Knight of Wands
 The knight of Wands is bold,creative,magnetic, cocky, original, loves being a hero, passionate. Doesn't this sound just like young America, the country that drew millions of immigrants from all over the globe. Some countries like people cannot handle success. When you're on top the only place to go is down.

2nd Card: Death

The Death card upright doesn't actually mean death but it means starting something new, shedding old attitudes etc. The Death card reversed in this situation means that regarding the economy we're still doing the same old thing and it obviously ain't workin'.  I think most economist would agree with this card and certainly a whole lot of Americans who have been laid off or on the verge of financial ruin. Its time to try something new in order to get the economy rolling again. Unfortunately business and banks will continue to be first priority in America.

3rd Card

This card shows the sun going back up in the sky, the once exuberant child falling off his horse and losing his banner, and the sun flowers have begun to wilt as well. So it seems as if an economic recovery isn't in the cards but a downfall is in the works.  The system[Sun] is no longer supporting its citizen.