Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Thunder in Paradise For Madonna?!?

43361, LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM - Sunday August 8 2010. A quirkily-dressed Madonna on the set of her latest movie W.E. , shooting on the streets of London. Based on an original screenplay, W.E. was written by Madonna and Alek Keshishian and tells the story of a modern New Yorker who becomes obsessed with what she percieves to be the greatest love story ever, that of Britain's King Edward VIII and the divorced American socialite Wallis SImpson. Photograph:

Update 9/23/2010:  Madonna apparently has a stalker, retired NYC firefighter Robert Linhart. Linhart wants to meet the singer so bad that he's been waiting outside her NYC apartment. He's been arrested and all but he's a stalker so that doesn't really matter to him. Hmmm will Madonna make Mr. Linhart' dream come true???

Just had a dream about one of Madonna's many homes burning.  Her children were present in the dream and they seemed to be trapped in this penthouse like structure.  In my experience a burning house usually means a scandal or danger is about to leave the subject of the dream on their bum.  I know she currently has a lawsuit with a company that has the "Material Girl" name and perhaps this means the ruling won't be in her favor.  But I can't see too much shame in that so I guess we will have to wait an see. I don't think it will be too long for this problem to reach her. I want to give it a week really but let's be generous and wait for 3 weeks instead. Let's send out some good vibes to Madonna!

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