Wednesday, June 15, 2011

She's Getting Closer.....

Justin Theroux is a man ready for marriage. No one can tell me otherwise. Forget about his ex-girlfriend of 14 years (She is a non-factor right now).  Jennifer Aniston is not a home wrecker because Justin and his ex probably haven't had sex in months (I swear).

 I'm not going to go back on my old prediction,  but I think and feel that this is the man that Jennifer Aniston should marry. I can feel it in my bones. I am so very excited right now. The only question is, will they actually go through with it? See the video below to find out what the tarot has to say about the relationship:


Stalker said...

They do make a cute couple!

Emilee said...

They've moved in together already. By the way I like the youtube video. Do some more!

Polgirl said...

Good luck Jen!

Anonymous said...

I loved seeing this reading. Wondering if you can do an update on your thoughts on the relationship since, and in particular all the pregnancy rumors surrounding them the last couple of weeks? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Please can you do another update on Jennifer and Justin?! I love them together and loved your celtic spread on them. Would love to know your thoughts on marriage and a family for them as there are so many rumors out there that both might soon be in the cards for them!